Registration Benefits


  • 1) Enjoy 30 days unlimited view on AIC Mantra key product and services.
  • 2) Get an access to first level information on Business Ideas, System Consultancy and Start-Up Nursery.
  • 3) Get a chance to become a paid member for one month and meet AIC Mantra distinguished team members by submitting your idea for validation which you think could be the next disruption in the market.


  • 1) Enjoy 30 days paid membership access to AIC Mantra.
  • 2) Get a full access of content related to Business Ideas, System Consultancy, Start-Up Nursery.
  • 3) With systematic meeting scheduler, our team will meet you in person to discuss and explain the potential idea or product of your liking over a cup of coffee.
  • 4) Invitation to workshops and keynotes distribution.
  • 5) Innovation Reports.
  • 6) Post your ideas in our customized buy and sell platform.
  • 7) Grab an opportunity to validate 1 business idea from AIC Mantra team.